We are ready to deliver your vision across multiple platforms. Games are the language of the century and with us, you can harness their unique power.
LA PASIÓN DEL CAMPO. Un hombre apasionado. Un entorno cambiante.
La voluntad y el esfuerzo por multiplicar la vida y hacer crecer la ganadería impulsan a Osvaldo “Pili” Alegre a apostar por la ganadería en un ámbito desafiante.
Desde Villa Ángela, Chaco, un testimonio de orgullo y amor por el campo.
Game design
Even the most captivating game ideas will eventually become dull if the challenges never change. Good level design is about providing players with new and interesting challenges as they progress through the game.
Usually this requires a steady flow of fresh features that introduce new equipment, opponents, enemies, or obstacles into the gameplay.
Usually this requires a steady flow of fresh features that introduce new equipment, opponents, enemies, or obstacles into the gameplay.
Art direction
Whether you need environment art or character, creature and object designs ranging from whimsical themes to ultra-realistic visuals, our world-class artists are always ready to tackle your projects.
For the past 25 years, we have been providing in-game animation, cinematics, pre-rendered animation for the world’s top games, TV series and movies.
For the past 25 years, we have been providing in-game animation, cinematics, pre-rendered animation for the world’s top games, TV series and movies.
Multiplatform development
We can help you port your game as our programmers have extensive experience with multiple platforms—PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, WebGL or Nintendo Switch.
Our team of experts possess both the artistic sense and technical abilities to implement them perfectly, bringing an otherwise standard visual to life.
Our team of experts possess both the artistic sense and technical abilities to implement them perfectly, bringing an otherwise standard visual to life.
design create & connect
We are ready to deliver your vision across multiple platforms, mobile, or desktop. Games are the language of the 21st century and we can help you harness their unique power.